2019-08-30 23:07

In view of the recently occurred irregular behaviors, the Visa Section of the Embassy would like to call attention on the followings:

I. When applying for a visa, please make an online appointment and submit visa application documents through the officially-designated channel. The Embassy has NOT authorized any person or any agency to transfer visa application documents for the applicant. Any invitation letter or online appointment number identified as bought or forged will not be accepted and punitive measures including refusal of the visa could be taken by the Embassy. Any lost or consequence caused thereby should solely be borne by the applicant.

II. Only visa fee and express fee listed on the website, no other extra fee will be charged by the Embassy.

III. Steps for online application and online appointment:

a. Log on the website: and fill in visa application form online. Print out the visa application form and the confirmation form, and sign on the confirmation form.

b. Log on the website: to make an appointment.

c. Come to the Embassy at the appointed time to apply with the visa application form, the confirmation form, passport and relevant documents needed.

IV. In the event that the applicant does not arrive at the Embassy on the appointment time, please wait outside the Embassy. The Embassy will process such lately-arrived case if time allows after all the normally-and-timely-appointed  cases processed. Please re-apply for a new online appointment after 12:00 PM when the Desk stops receiving documents.


Visa Section of The Embassy of People's Republic of China 

in the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia